Literacy Literacy levels in Ireland rose sharply in the late 19th century. The existence of census data from 1841 and the compulsory ...
Reading Book The National Schools concentrated on teaching the 3 Rs – reading, writing and arithmetic. The photograph shows pages from a National ...
Newspapers A combination of increased literacy among the population and the revolution in transport brought about by the railways created a new ...
Printing Press This Columbian printing press was built in 1844. It was hand operated and used in the printing of newspapers. The rising demand for ...
Language Revival In the 1890s a group of educated men came together to form a new organisation aimed at promoting the Irish language. The two leaders ...
Gaelic League newspaper To promote the Irish language the Gaelic League launched its own newspaper in 1899. An Claidheamh Soluis (The Sword of Light) contained ...
Gaelic League Teacher Those who taught the Irish language to Gaelic League newcomers were often national schoolmasters. They could use the local schoolhouse ...
Irish speaking school In 1908 Patrick Pearse, who was editor of An Claidheamh Soluis, founded St Enda’s a new bilingual secondary school in Dublin. The ...
The Leader In 1900 D P. Moran, a gifted journalist and Gaelic League enthusiast, founded a Dublin weekly paper, the Leader. It was a great success ...
Literary revival The two decades before the 1st World War saw a literary revival in Ireland as a group of brilliant writers, poets and playwrights ...