Playground activity Even small national schools had a playground where pupils played various games during their break periods. Hopscotch was popular, while ...
A Royal Visit This photograph was taken in 1903 on the occasion of a royal visit. Flags, bunting and emblems decorate the route along Donegall Place ...
City Hall, Belfast Completed in 1906 by the local building firm of McLaughlin & Harvey, the City Hall quickly became the city’s main landmark. Built using ...
Robinson & Cleaver, Belfast Towards the end of the 19th century the centre of Belfast was gradually taken over by commercial buildings as middle class people moved ...
Victoria Street, Belfast Before the opening of the City Hall Victoria Street close to the docks was the administrative heart of the city. In the foreground you ...
Ulster Bank, Waring Street, Belfast Belfast’s growing importance as an industrial centre acted as a magnet for banking firms. The Ulster Bank was established in 1825 and ...
Northern Bank, Portglenone Further developments in Ulster’s economy led the leading banks to extend their network of branches outside Belfast. In the early years ...
Ulster Museum The Belfast Museum was originally housed in College Square North. On public holidays like Easter Monday the museum made a conscious ...
White Linen Hall One of the most striking buildings in Belfast was the White Linen Hall with its great quadrangle of warehouses. It reflected Belfast’s ...
Cinema At the beginning of the 20th century the cinema became a popular gathering place for many Belfast citizens. The photograph shows the ...