Axes A good quality stone axe was very important to these early farmers. They were used to help clear land, cut wood for building purposes ...
Tools The introduction of pressure flaking at this period meant that much more finely crafted tools could be produced. Arrowheads which were ...
Stone axes The axe was a widely used tool in this period. They were important for cutting wood and helping to build dwellings.
Tools of mesolithic period In this period stone working technology changed from microliths to larger single piece artefacts. Some of the most commonly found pieces ...
Use of flint and development of microliths Flint was the most commonly used material for tools and weapons in the mesolithic period. Much of the flint was found on the banks or ...
Tools, Leather and Wood The bronze axe was very important for wood-working. Tanged chisels were developed. There is evidence of wood, woven textiles and leather ...
New Technologies and Raw Materials The first metal objects were made of copper but it was not very strong. By adding tin to copper bronze was made and this was much harder ...
Craftsmen at Work The craftsmen of the later middle ages were skilled in many trades. Because of their expertise they could enjoy a good standard of ...
Timber Trade The timber trade brought to the Munster Plantation its only manufacturing industry. The main centre was the Blackwater where Raleigh was ...
New Forms of Pottery and Beaker People In the earlier Bronze Age the preoccupation with pottery and metal goods indicates that these items were symbols of status and wealth. ...