Fishermen Fishing provided employment for both men and women in most of Ulster fishing towns. Ardglass in Co. Down had been an important fishing ...
Scutch Mill Scutch mills offered extra employment for small farmers in rural communities. Any sort of old house that could harness water power was ...
Tinkers By the end of the 19th century many households were using glass and enamelled goods, but poor people continued to use tin containers. ...
Hardware shop Almost every town had a hardware shop. It sold household goods to the general public and supplied carpenters with wood and blacksmiths ...
Bread Carts Before the establishment of bread factories all bread had been home produced. Better transport because of the rail network meant that ...
Cobbler In nearly every town and village cobblers mended footwear for the local population. In the past cobblers had made shoes but by 1900 ...
Eel Fishermen At both Kilrea and Toomebridge on the River Bann eels which had been channelled into narrow weirs were trapped in large nets. The eel ...
Trade Unions The low pay and poor conditions facing many workers encouraged them to join the new trade unions which were growing more popular around ...
Pottery Pottery made its first appearance in Ireland with these Neolithic people. The earliest bowls were undecorated and had a”shoulder” which ...
Weapons At this time leaf and lozenge shaped arrow and javelin heads were developed. These were attached to shafts using resin, and were ...