Baronscourt, County Tyrone This is a view of the westerly facing façade of Baronscourt, Co. Tyrone, the home of the Duke of Abercorn. Like many of the great houses ...
Farmhouse interior A typical farmhouse kitchen had an open turf fire with chairs positioned on each side of the hearth. Above the fire stood the ‘gallows’, ...
Terraced Housing Raphael Street was in ‘the markets’ area of Belfast close to the city centre. The photograph shows working class housing before the ...
Awning Middle class families sometimes owned awnings which they erected in the grounds of their homes. The photograph shows a timber-framed ...
Carntall House Substantial farmers often lived in 2 storey, long slated farmhouses. These homes did not have the usual beaten earth floors, as a ...
Blackheath House Professional men such as doctors or lawyers lived in what were described as gentlemen’s residences. In the years before the First World ...
Drumnahunshin House interior A well-off farmer would have had a number of well-furnished rooms in his house. Rising incomes allowed the more prosperous farmers to ...
Farmyard Pump Even prosperous farmers did not have the benefit of modern plumbing in their houses. A pump in the yard became a very common feature ...
Privy, Drumnahunshin House The lack of piped water meant that most rural dwellers did not enjoy the luxury of an inside toilet. This outside privy or dry toilet at ...