Charms and Cures In rural parts of Ireland there was a strong belief in ‘alternative medicine’. Certain individuals were believed to have special gifts ... |
Harvest Home In rural Ulster, families held ‘harvest home’ suppers. This was a special meal, like Christmas, to celebrate the successful end to the ... |
Eel Supper Today eels are regarded as a delicacy but 100 years ago they were commonly eaten by rural people living close to Lough Neagh and along ... |
Stampy Party By the late 19th century some of the old Irish traditions were beginning to die out. This photograph taken around 1907 in Co. Limerick ... |
Fairy Thorn ‘Fairy Thorns’ were never dug up even if, like in this photograph, they used up valuable land. Local custom reinforced the belief that ... |
Kilrea Fairy Thorn The fairy thorn in the village of Kilrea, Co. Derry became one of the best known landmarks in the area. It grew out over the footpath ... |
Rowan Tree In Scotland the rowan tree had the same mystical powers as the fairy thorn. In some Ulster counties, notably Co. Antrim, there was such ... |
Magpie In rural areas it was considered lucky to see two magpies together, but seeing a single magpie would bring bad luck. In the early years ... |
Horse Shoes Obviously horse shoes were a very common sight in the late 19th century. In summer evenings men played ‘horse shoes’ as they threw the ... |
First Milk Many small farmers kept one or two cows, sometimes sharing the accommodation with the family. It became a custom in many parts of Ulster ... |