Location of Bronze Age Settlements Many of these Bronze Age settlements were located near sources of water, such as lakes. At Lough Eskragh in Co Tyrone four sites were ...
External Views A range of building materials was used. The structural timbers were usually oak, while the more pliable hazel or willow were used for ...
Bronze Age Settlement in General Archaeological evidence confirms that Ireland was extensively populated in this period, especially in the north and east of the ...
Settlements General The people of the New Stone Age differed from their Mesolithic ancestors in that they were farmers, had developed pottery making skills, ...
Iron Age Housing in General The type of settlement most closely associated with the Iron Age people is the hill fort. Most of the Irish examples are very impressive ...
Cashels and Raths During the late Iron Age there was a fashion for building simple stone enclosures which may number thousands in Ireland. The fact that ...
Promontory Forts Promontory forts are among the most spectacular of the Iron Age settlements. About two hundred of them are to be found in Ireland, all ...
Reconstructed Iron Age Houses The construction of these Iron Age houses was very similar to those built by their immediate predecessors. Many of the houses may have ...