Blacksmith’s Forge The increased use of working horses meant a growing demand for the skills of a blacksmith.
Inside a Linen Mill The linen yarn produced by mechanical power was much cheaper than the finger spun thread done in cottages all over Ireland. It was also ...
Apprentice’s Indenture Young apprentices learning a trade often lived with their master who gave them room and board but no wages. They served their time for 7 ...
Brewing By the end of the 18th century Ulster had its own brewing and distilling industries, both of which used local grain.
Fire Fighting in the C18th This engraving of 18th century fire-fighting appeared on an insurance policy issued by the Hibernian Insurance Company in 1790. By this ...
The Cooper’s Tools Although rural people in Ireland were remarkably self sufficient, they depended on craftsmen to make specialised items. The cooper made ...
Cooper Many items were stored in the wooden barrels made by the coopers. They also made noggins.
Thatching In Ulster flax thatch was used in some counties, but in parts of west Ulster rushes and river reed were used. The photograph shows ...
The Tinsmith The tinsmith used a variety of traditional tools. You can see a selection of snips and shears among this collection.
Hooping a wheel Wooden wheels used on carts were fitted with an iron hoop to make them last longer.