The Spread of Railways The 1850s had seen the rapid growth of the railway network in Ireland and, as the map shows, Ireland had a well developed rail system by ...
Railway Construction One attraction Ireland had for railway builders was that both land and labour were cheap. The photograph shows a large group of men ...
Workshop Staff Most skilled workers were employed on the workshop staff. These men serviced the engines and rolling stock and workshops were set up in ...
Donkey and Cart In spite of the great changes in transport around the turn of the century, the donkey and cart was still a common sight in many rural ...
Railway staff Local men often found employment at the village station. This photograph taken before the First World War shows the railway staff at ...
Clogher Valley Railway The last quarter of the 19th century saw major developments in rail transport. A number of branch lines were opened to provide a ...
The Horse The horse remained a crucial element of transport at the beginning of the 20th century. Horses pulled a variety of vehicles and they ...
Turf Slide-car The slide-car was probably in use before the invention of the wheel, but in Ulster it survived into the 20th century in both the Sperrin ...
Horse-drawn Omnibus This photograph shows a horse-drawn omnibus in Belfast. These first appeared in the 1860s and they were popular with commuters who lived ...
Horse-drawn Tram Before the end of the 19th century the omnibus had been replaced by the horse-drawn tram. Although laying the metal tracks required ...