Henry Cooke’s Statue In 1876 the statue of Henry Cooke was unveiled in Belfast. Cooke’s sculptor was Samuel Ferres Lynn and he had learned his craft in ...
William John McKinstry The last of the four issues of Ulad, the Ulster literary magazine, appeared in September 1905. It contained this sketch the William ...
Beauty Forsaken The main contributor to Ulad was John Campbell. All his illustrations were inspired by Celtic themes and they accompanied various ...
The Women at their Doors Campbell’s work concentrated on simple rural themes and Irish folklore. This illustration accompanied his brother’s poem, The Women at ...
The Isle of Laughing Norman Morrow’s brother George also produced illustrations for Ulad. In his ‘The Isle of Laughing’ a group of medieval peasants are ...
Glens Painter James Humbert Craig was born in Belfast in 1878. He quickly established a reputation as the leading landscape painter in the north. ...
Dawn Killary Harbour Paul Henry was born in Belfast in 1877 and he became one of Ireland’s finest landscape painters in the early decades of the 20th ...
Bringing Him to the Point Hugh Thompson was born in Coleraine in 1860 and worked as an artist for The English Illustrated Magazine. His real fame rests with his ...
Landscape with Cattle Ireland’s rural images inspired many important painters. Like some of these Nathaniel Hone had spent many years in France where he ...
Riverside Long Ago The most famous Irish artist is probably Jack B. Yeats. He is still very popular to-day and his paintings make huge prices. Many of ...