FROM 1750 - 1830 > ART |
Thomas Robinson Thomas Robinson painted figures of local historical interest such as this painting of William Ritchie, the Scots shipbuilder, who set up ... |
The Battle of Ballynahinch One of Robinson’s best known works is The Battle of Ballynahinch which commemorates the famous Co Down engagement during the United ... |
River Boyne This Thomas Mitchell painting entitled View of the River Boyne was done in 1757. The work was intended as a celebration of the Battle ... |
Robert Emmet Robert Emmet was a famous Irish patriot who was executed in Dublin following the 1803 Rising. This portrait of Emmet hangs in Kilmainham ... |
William Miller William Miller lived in Lurgan and painted a number of important local events. This is his watercolour record of George Whitefield ... |
Joseph Wilson The earliest artist of note in Belfast was Joseph Wilson. In the late 18th century Wilson painted the portraits of many wealthy men in ... |
The Bateson Family Family portraits were very popular with the wealthy commercial classes. This 1762 work shows the Bateson family. Bateson had made his ... |
Francis Johnston and Family This family portrait was painted later in the period. The subject was Francis Johnston, his wife and their two nephews, and the artist, ... |
Ascendancy Life This family portrait was painted around 1770. The wealthy members of the Irish Ascendancy liked to have these portraits. The ornate ... |
Parliament House, Dublin The old Irish Parliament building in Dublin’s College Green, now the Bank of Ireland, is one of Dublin’s finest Georgian buildings. ... |