Types of Transport and Examples of Trade These people could build and sail boats and were involved in some form of international trade. The wheel was not yet discovered but they ...
Means of Transport used by Earliest People It is most likely that these people travelled on foot most of the time. There is no evidence of horse bridles or other means of animal ...
Jaunting Car The most widely used form of transport in Ireland in the mid 19th century remained the jaunting car. It was popular in both town and ...
Connaught Mail Ship The introduction of iron ships meant bigger ships. In the mid 19th century the vast increase in mail across the Irish Sea increased ...
Butter Market Farmers made butter at home and then sent it to a butter market. Cork, which had fine grazing land for dairy cattle, produced a lot of ...
Celtic Iron ships had an extra advantage over sailing ships because they could carry such heavier cargo. One of the first iron ships built by ...
Clipper Clippers were very fast sailing ships widely used in the middle of the 19th century. Their main function was to transport tea from ...
Dublin Turf Market This sketch of a turf market in Dublin in the 1830s shows turf being bought and sold. The turf was brought in on donkeys and carried ...
Market in Cushendall During these years the area outside Turnly’s Tower, the local jail in Cushendall, was used as a market place. Traders would set up ...
Private Carriage Rich landowners still retained their own coach driver and carriage. This was adequate for short journeys.