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  migrations of the Neolithic people
These Neolithic people probably came to Ireland as individual groups. There is no evidence that they were involved in skirmishes with ...
  Migration of these early peoples
These early people probably had Ireland to themselves for nearly a millennium before new immigrants, who had sea-faring skills, arrived. ...
  Emigration List, 1834
This is an extract from a longer list of names of those who emigrated from the Kilrea district in 1834. In fact, a total of 73 emigrated ...
  Missionary Journeys
The early medieval period was one when there were many missionary journeys. The Irish missionaries travelled first to Scotland and ...
  Early Norman Invaders
The Normans came to England from northern France in a flotilla of ships which landed at Pevensey in October 1066. The Battle of Hastings ...
  Plantation of Laois and Offaly
In 1556, during the reign of Mary Tudor, the decision was taken to plant the counties of Laois and Offaly. Laois became known as Queen’s ...
The Viking raids ended the great days of Irish missionary journeys. The Viking people came from Norway and Denmark to settle in the ...
  Henry II and Dermot MacMurrough
Before the Normans came to Ireland, it had been a country with many kings one of which emerged as High King. One of the Irish kings, ...
  Early Elizabethan Plantations
During the reign of Elizabeth I, in 1571, Sir Thomas Smith was sent to plant the Ards Peninsula as the first step towards settling ...
  Normans into Ireland
The first Normans came in 1169, bringing with them many footsoldiers and knights. The most important of these was Richard de Clare, the ...

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