Brown Linen Market Once the cloth had been made up into rolls, or webs, it was sold to the bleachers at the nearest brown linen market.
Scutch Mill As the linen process became more mechanised towards the end of the 18th century, the scutching was done by rollers that were driven by ...
Ropeworks Many Ulster towns had a ropeworks. Farmers used ropes nearly every day and ships used very heavy ropes.
Early shipyard This 1812 painting shows shipbuilding in progress at the old yard on the north bank of the Lagan. The yard was run by William Ritchie ...
Corn Mill Many landlords had a corn mill where their tenants brought corn to be ground. Water provided the power.
Coal Mining Coal was mined near Coalisland, Co. Tyrone and outside Ballycastle, Co. Antrim. Much of the Tyrone coal went to Dublin. Most people ...
Scutching Flax Once the flax had been retted and dried it was ready for scutching. The girl on the left is pounding the flax with a beetle and the two ...
Creamwares These are creamwares made in the Downshire Pottery in Belfast. This fine pottery competed successfully with Wedgewood before the end of ...
Pottery Potters worked at their wheels in places where the right kind of clay was easily available. This fine jar was made in 1803 and would ...
Cobblers Every town in Ulster had its own cobbler who made or mended shoes. The leather was often produced locally.