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  Yeast Basket
Improvements in transport and the introduction of the railways meant that more and more people purchased baskets to move certain goods. ...
  Tinsmith’s Tools
The increased use of tin in the mid 19th century created more opportunities for the tinsmith. As well as making goods the tinsmith often ...
  Thatcher’s Tools
The thatcher’s tools included a mallet, a fork, a rake and a needle. The first layer of thatch was sewn with the needle and in coastal ...
  Cooper’s Tools
Coopers often worked as part-time farmers but at certain times of the year they were very busy with their craft. They had a variety of ...
  Craftsman’s Will and Testament
I leave my flesh unto the dogs, for that’s their precious right, I will my bowels and entrails to the eagle, hawk and kite, To every ...
  Coalisland Spade Mill
Metal was becoming more widely used and gradually it replaced many wooden items. This Coalisland spade mill made special spades, turf ...
  Weaver in cottage
When the linen yarn was finished in the mill, it was sent out to cottage weavers. They produced the cloth in their own homes.
  Malcolmson Cotton Mill
The cotton industry became firmly established in different parts of Ireland in the late 18th century. This impressive mill was set up by ...
  Cottage Industry
Cottage industry was still important in some parts of Ulster in the middle of the 19th century. As you can see in the painting women ...
  Belfast Mill Workers
Woman and children found employment in the spinning factories. The work meant long hours and unhealthy conditions.

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