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  General Information about the English in Ireland
The English, who came to Ireland from 1167, brought with them the fashion of European patterns. Men wore outer garments called kirtles ...
  Changes mid 14th Century
In the mid 14th century changes were introduced in men’s clothing. They now wore hose and a close fitting, knee length garment called a ...
  Clothes of active workers and archers
Archers wore unrestricting thigh length gowns as did some farm labourers and some soldiers. Their legs were exposed and their hose had ...
Another Anglo- Norman garment was the cotehardie with tippets. This was a round necked outer garment with a long full skirt which had ...
  General Information about Clothes of Native Irish
The clothes which were described by Giraldus Cambrensis remained in fashion for a very long time. By the end of the 14th century there ...
  Examples of Good Sewing/Tailoring
The dress in the picture was found in a bog in Moy, Co Clare. It was made from coarsely woven twill or wool with a low round neck, ...
The mantle was the most popular outer garment worn in Ireland for centuries. This was worn by people in all walks of society regardless ...

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