Tamnaharry Gate Lodge This unusually-shaped gate lodge was built around 1840. Its main features are the decorated bargeboards and very steep gables. You can ...
Gate Lodge, Armagh This simple gate lodge was built around 1840. The two upstairs rooms were probably added later in the century. The three first floor ...
Houses and Offices Prosperous, growing towns such as Belfast needed more professional and business people. They chose to live upstairs in the town centres ...
Ash Closet The better town houses had ash closets as toilets.
Armchair This mid-19th century armchair was made of pine and painted pale green. The seat was left unpainted.
Carpenter’s Chair This carpenter’s chair was made between 1830 and 1840. It has very elaborate front legs and a cupid’s bow on the top backrail. This ...
Victorian Interior Smart townhouses were often furnished with dark mahogany furniture. Nearly all the rooms had open fires which were set and cleaned by ...
Tea Lane Houses The growth of Belfast led to a growing demand for improved housing. These smart two-up, two-down, back-to-back terraced houses ...
Privy at Tea Lane With no toilets or bathrooms, dry toilets were in the yard. It was the leak from these toilets that contaminated the water supply and ...
Meeting Street House, Bedroom Large families meant that children slept together in the same bed. To reduce rents two families sometimes shared a house – one upstairs ...