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  Straw Bonnets
Straw bonnets, a popular item of head-gear all over Ulster, were made by sowing up plaits of straw in the right shape.
  Basket Making
Large baskets were made from flexible sally rods. These were used to carry turf.
  Wood Turning
These wooden basins, bowls and utensils were made from blocks of wood by skilled craftsmen.
This glass decanter with stopper, engraved with Arms of Croker of Ballynagarde was made in Waterford c.1825. Other fine glass was ...
  Shoeing a horse
Horses used regularly on the roads had to have new shoes fitted frequently. The ‘smithy’ held the horse’s leg between his knees to nail ...
  The Blacksmith
In addition to shoeing horses the blacksmith made scythes for local farmers.
  White Linen Hall
The construction of the White Linen Hall began in 1783. It was used as a market house for the sale of bleached linen. The venue was ...
  Mulholland’s Mill, Belfast
Mulholland’s linen mill in Belfast’s York Street began the process of flax spinning in the spring of 1830. Linen production quickly ...
  Beetling Mill
The best linen was beetled – hammered by wooden beetles to produce the fine glossy finish. These new beetling machines were water-powered.
Linen cloth laid out on bleachgreens was valuable and therefore was often a target for thieves. To prevent this guards stationed in ...

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