Sailor Suits Around the beginning of the 20th century young boys were often dressed in sailor suits when they were going out in public.
Girls in Smocks These girls are on their way to school. Most girls from well-off families wore these type of smocks.
Barefoot children Poorer children usually went barefoot to school even in winter months.
Improvements for the Poor This photograph was taken outside a creamery around 1910. By this time the increasing prosperity among rural people allowed them to buy ...
Second Hand Market As farm incomes grew country families bought finer clothes. Men wore trousers rather than breeches and women and girls opted for ...
Country Dress As farm incomes grew country families bought finer clothes. Men wore trousers rather than breeches and women and girls opted for ...
Man on Chair This schoolmaster posing for the photographer is wearing a worsted tweed suit with a bow tie. He also has a handkerchief in his breast ...
Elderly Couple This elderly couple are dressed in typical Edwardian clothes. Even though the woman is old, she follows the fashion by having a very ...
Drugget Petticoat This young woman who is churning milk has her skirt tied up around her waist. This reveals a drugget petticoat.
Homespun Gown This woman is wearing a homespun gown and a white blouse. Although we can presume that this lady was very fashion-conscious, we can also ...