Slatted Press Food was often stored on hooks which hung from ceilings or on batons which were nailed to the underside of the timber joists of the ...
Gas Cooker Better off families could afford this type of gas cooker. They were becoming popular by 1900.
Grocery Shop Better off families in large towns had the choice of a much greater variety of food in their grocer’s shop. Lipton’s Market had outlets ...
Weights and Measures Every shop had this type of weigh scale because most of the items sold had to be weighed. Flour, tea, sugar and tobacco were just some ...
Jacob’s Biscuits Jacob’s had a big biscuit factory in Dublin. One of their most famous products, the cream cracker, went on sale in the 1880s. Later ...
Liptons Teas Tea was a universal drink all over Ireland by the end of the 19th century. It was now cheaper to buy and was easily available so it was ...
Cocoa Better off families were keen to try out new drinks which came to the market. Cocoa became very popular and was regarded as a treat by ...
Butter Churn This was the type of plunger churn commonly used in the early 20th century. The wooden plunger was moved in an up and down motion ...