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  Eviction Statistics
Even when the agricultural depression was over and incomes were rising, poor farmers still faced the prospect of being thrown out or ...
  Eviction Scene
If farmers were unable to pay their rents they risked eviction from their holdings. This meant that they would be forcibly removed from ...
  United Irish League
In the late 1890s the failure of the potato crop in western counties such as Donegal raised fears of a new famine. These poor ...
  Land Purchase
The greatest change in farming during this period was the change in land ownership as tenant farmers bought out their holdings with ...
  Potato Blight
This potato plant has been infected with the blight. The disease spread rapidly in the humid weather of 1845. It was a sign that the ...
  Blighted Potato
This is what a blighted potato looks like. If you pressed your thumb into the centre it would be soft and mushy. Even animals would ...
  The Discovery of Potato Blight
This illustration captures the despair of rural people on discovering the potato blight. The lack of scientific knowledge about the ...
Loys were the light spades used by Irish farm labourers. Spalpeens often carried their own loys.
  Spalpeen 1
Spalpeens were itinerant farm labourers. Their numbers rose sharply in the decades before the Famine, with some even travelling to ...
  Spalpeens 2
The word spalpeens comes from the Irish word spailpini. As farms became more mechanised, these spalpeens often had to go farther afield ...

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