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  Water Cart
In towns water had to be transported by horse and cart. This 1860’s painting shows a water cart.
  An Irish Fair
Donnybrook fair was one of the most famous fairs in Ireland. Hawkers, tinkers and peddlers sold a wide variety of goods to the crowds ...
  Means of Transport in Bronze and Iron Ages
Great changes took place all over Europe in this period including advances in transport. Boats were probably fairly primitive canoes ...
  Means of Transport Pre Viking
Ordinary people travelled very little as they really had no need to do so. Many would have walked and, for longer distances, if you ...
  Towns and Markets
In the towns and cities of medieval Ireland there was a lively trade in wine, foodstuffs, livestock, hides and wool and cloth of all ...
  Early Export Trade
The English settlers imported English horses, cattle, pigs and sheep. There was a good export trade in wool, tallow and hides – often to ...
  Evidence of Trade
There is evidence that, particularly in the Iron Age, there was much trade between the inhabitants of the British Isles and also with ...
  Examples of Trade
There were very few markets in early medieval Ireland. Some trading did take place at the annual assembly, or oenach. There is evidence ...
  Ships and Exports
The main towns of the period were New Ross, Waterford, Cork, Drogheda, Dublin, Youghal, Galway and Limerick. Wool, hides and grain ...
Trade was hindered by the lack of proper currency. Irish coins were worth less than their English counterparts. The Irish shilling was ...

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