Sugar Castors For the more wealthy in society there were many luxury items such as these beautifully crafted sugar castors. These were made by Richard ...
Plantation Pots and Fires By the early 17th century, pots had developed especially for use by the planters. The three leg pot was common and was used over an open ...
Oven As the 17th century progressed cooking methods, especially of the planters, developed. This small oven was built in to the side of the ...
Griddle and Side Ovens As may be expected, the bawn, which was the home of the more important planter, had more cooking equipment. Pictured here are pots for ...
Querns As most of the larger houses were almost self sufficient, it was common for the occupants to have querns on which they could grind their ...
Examples of Food These people ate dairy products in summer and bread, beef and porridge in winter. They also had much pork and salt bacon. Those who ...
Meeting Street House In most houses cooking was done over an open fire. Turf was widely used in rural areas and this created a distinctive smell in country ...
Kerry Farm Kitchen This photograph taken in 1899 shows a typical kitchen scene in a small Co. Kerry cottage. All the cooking was done over the open turf ...
Potatoes Among the most common varieties of potatoes grown for home consumption were British Queens and Golden Wonders. The planting of potatoes ...
Boiling Potatoes For most poor people living in the countryside potatoes formed the staple diet. They were boiled in large metal pots like this.