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contents : Early Medieval : Craft & Industry

Summary: Developments in Craft during this Period

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The gradual growth in the power and wealth of the monasteries meant that the church became a great patron of metal workers. The relics of saints and precious books were often enclosed in reliquaries and shrines which were of very fine metal work. This was also evident in the brooches and other jewellery items produced at this time. Copper smelting, bronze work, iron tools and weapons, and some glassmaking were found all over the country. Skilled carpenters had saws, chisels, hammers, adzes and awls. Coopers produced wooden drinking vessels, storage vessels and churns. Pottery known as E Ware was imported from south west France in the 7th and 8th centuries. This probably accompanied imported wine. Stone carving developed with the Vikings and good examples of this can be seen in the high crosses of the period. The Vikings also developed their carving skills in the ornamentation on their longships.

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Developments in craft during this periodDevelopments in craft during this periodArdagh ChaliceCarving of Blacksmith's at WorkTara Brooch

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