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contents : From 1550 - 1750 : Art

Summary: Silverware

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In 1637 the Dublin Goldsmiths’ Company was established by Royal Charter and it grew under the influence of Dutch craftsmen in Dublin. They were assisted by the arrival of the Huguenots (French Protestants) at the end of the century. Some excellent silver plate was produced in Dublin at this time and some of the best church plate belongs to the second half of the 17th century. The tankard was designed by Edward Swann in Dublin in 1676. It bears a fine example of the coat of arms of the Fletchers of Chester. By 1700 some 20,000 ounces of silver a year were being assayed in Dublin. The sugar castors date from this period.

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Two sugar castors made by Richard Goble of Cork around 1690 for a member of the Sarslfield family

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