Summary: Mantles
Key dates:
The mantle was the most popular outer garment worn in Ireland for centuries. This was worn by people in all walks of society regardless of gender or age. Irish mantles were even exported from South East Ireland to South West England and Wales. Half mantles were exported to the continent.
There were three types of mantle:
· Lined which was very popular and often exported
· Blanket which was lightweight and unlined and more common in poor
· Tufted which were the most popular and were fringed and tufted or had a curled nap.
Saint Matthew is shown wearing a mantle in the Book of Durrow. He also wears trews, pointed shoes and has his hair cut from the front of his head in the Irish tonsure style.
The colour and decoration were important. Colours ranged from sober grey to red and purple with variegated fringes of silk and fine wool. Women liked bright colours and embroidery on their mantles.